Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Things have just been awesome lately. I don't know what else to say. I've been neglecting my blog and LIVING. I have so very much to be thankful for and it's all been keeping me very busy.

1. Awesome nephew A born last week!
2. Awesome nephew B born last week!! (Twin of nephew A by the way) Adorable additions to the world. THANK YOU GOD!
3. The wonderful new position that has been keeping me enthusiastic about learning new things and filling me with wonder. I've been told it will exhaust my enthusiasm soon but I am not believing it. LOVE IT!
4. The smooth start of a brand new school year. Thank you God for kids that love to learn.
5. The prospect of a new property. It's been a little touch and go but it's teaching me to trust in God that he will lead us.
6. Beautifully cool weather that reminds me why I love Autumn so much.
7. A husband who helps out with the kids.
8. For a quiet night at home watching my little one sleep peacefully beside me.
9. For the God sent angel who matched months worth of un-mated socks, scrubbed my kitchen floor, and took care of my sick kids. (Thank you Mom. I'd be lost without all you do)
10. For take-out!

Thank you God for blessing me and my family. Thank you that I've been more happy these last two weeks than I remember being in quite some time.


Just A Girl said...

SO glad to "hear" the lightness in your voice! It has been a long time. God's mercies are new every day. He's given you a new song, I believe. : >

Anonymous said...

A husband who helps out is ALWAYS a blessing. :)