Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful Thanksgiving

Reminding you to cherish what really matters. It's not the food, or how it's prepared. It's cherishing those you are with and being thankful for the blessings you've been given.

  1. My home
  2. My family both far and near
  3. A good and stable job
  4. Christian teachers
  5. Everyone who is a positive influence to my children
  6. Christian women who show me by example how to love my husband
  7. For the chance to host Thanksgiving for my extended family. (Even though we will be minus our England crew--if you are reading know that you are missed!!!)
  8. That my father will eventually have relief from the pain that has plagued him far too long
  9. Rest

Thank you heavenly Father for another wonderful year. May You not be forgotten amidst the frenzy of this holiday season.

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