Monday, September 7, 2009

It's Labor Day...

so why do I feel like I should be working? DOING something? I typically have Monday's off so a three day weekend is not new to me. I do have my two younger kids home with me today since there is no school and my husband is at work because there is no break from crime and the "law" is always needed.

I'm glancing around my house and am feeling fearful. The land deal we were working on fell through and that's okay with me. If it was meant to be or is meant to be God will open the doors for us. Right now I'm obsessing about holding onto things. Things that should be less important than sanity and sanctity. I feel compelled to make this a work on your house day but am having a really hard time making myself get started.

On a brighter note I have made some progress in the freezer department.



That's a start right? Honest, I did NOT shove it into the other freezers (in other words though I know it is NOT ME Monday I did not participate in that today). Tooting my own horn here even if it is baby steps for your pro clean house keepers.

I may just not do anything today. I mean after all. This is my LAST Monday for a while when both my little ones are home. The future pilot starts pre-school, Friday.

I did make this today--strictly because I was tired of maneuvering around the stinking oversized box it came in.
And who knows maybe later I will begin to sort and compile years worth of recipes cut from magazines and newspapers...

And maybe on some other Monday I will begin to sort twenty plus years of photographs...

After all, I have to do something right? I can not be like the future pilot and do this all day
or be like my favorite little girl in the world and hang out in her daddy's office.
and I'm certainly not Dora dog and not afforded the means to curl up in a ball and sleep like this for hours on end...

Yes, future Mondays will be well spent. Cuddling baby A
and baby B.
and maybe JUST maybe putting my house in order. We'll see.

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