Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Thanks I give to thee dear Lord.
My thanks I give to thee.
With a grateful heart I sing merrily
for the things you've given to me.

Thankful for...
  1. Time to clean. Yes, time to clean--and energy to use it wisely!
  2. Forgiveness. Even when I fall off the same slow horse time after time.
  3. Teaching me to stay. And learn. And grow.
  4. Tthe sheer wonderfulness of "the law" as he emptied the dishwasher while I was at work yesterday.
  5. The same sheer and UTTERLY wonderfulness of "the law" as he whisked both kids away last evening for 2 hours. Peace, and time to make soup, and not wait on someone. It was heavenly.
  6. My favorite first born son and the willingness to pitch in tonight and clean the kitchen after dinner. (Another full dishwasher and sea of dishes in the sink)
  7. The fact that I am ahead in hours this week without trying to be.
  8. The realization that I can't do this weight thing alone and the ability to ask for help.
  9. Music. The lifting, the push, the calming. Such a powerful thing.
  10. Perennial friends. The ones you give me for the long haul in life. Not soon fading. Always whispering in like a breeze when I need to feel Your wind.

Thank you Jesus for your abundance. Help me to always appreciate it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday

While I wish I wasn't rushing time I am. Today is Thursday which means there is only one more day until Friday! I LIVE for weekends. Hmmm, I wonder if that is why I'm so thankful on Thursdays! :)
  1. Thankful that putting air in my tires made my van stop feeling so wobbly.
  2. Thankful that I have two play dates tomorrow! Well not exactly play dates I guess but time to spend with friends. Oh and did I mention they both involve food and friends and ME not cooking? Joy of joys!!!
  3. Thankful that I got up the nerve to call the hair salon and make an appointment and GET one for this afternoon.
  4. Thankful for the sunshine and promise of above 50 degree weather this weekend.
  5. Thankful for the pep talk from a dear sweet friend who knows how much I struggle with the stinky stanky addiction to food.
  6. Thankful for the reprimand from another dear soul who made it a point to let me know they didn't appreciate me knocking myself down. Though you nearly brought me to tears you were right. I will never achieve what I want if I keep being so negative.
  7. Thankful that the stomach bug I THOUGHT I was getting turned out to be NOT the dreaded stomach bug.
  8. Thankful that though the dishwasher is full of clean dishes and the sink full of dirty dishes, the law DID get the future pilot out for new shoes. Now if he would just impress me and resolve the dish issue. :-P
  9. Thankful that everyone survived my family room reorg. Now if I could just get happy about it. LOL.
  10. Thankful for my favorite first born son has a girlfriend in his life again. One that loves God and seems to be keeping him grounded.

Thank you Jesus for carrying out your plan in my life and helping me to grow more and more accepting that it's you, not I, who is in charge.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Feeling tired but happy. And thankful!

  1. For NO snow! We were possibly going to get five inches last night. I'm ready for Spring.
  2. That I have all my hours made up at work so don't have to take leave for the time I was snowbound.
  3. For friends who let me bend their ears.
  4. For work that fulfills me and pushes me to learn more.
  5. For a team that lets me bug them with all my little questions and doesn't run when they see me coming.
  6. For a team that pitches in and strives to do the right thing.
  7. That the playroom is almost ship shape and looking better than I have ever seen it--before and after coming soon.
  8. That the law has given me permission to rearrange the family room. I'm so excited!
  9. That the kids have been extremely kind and wonderful this evening.
  10. That a three day weekend is fast approaching and I get to enjoy it.

Thank you Jesus for giving me so much to be thankful for. Thank you for keeping me upright and nudging me back when the train gets derailed.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Consider the lilies...

I was catching up on some blogs the other night and ran across site on one of them that really left me irked.

I can not believe I'm even giving it a shout. I'm sorry. This just seems wrong to me.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday

It's been a pretty busy week around here. Scrambling to get the house in order after a house full of people. Tell me, how is it a house just goes to pieces when the kids are home from school for a while? I'll tell you what. I feel for you homeschoolers. I don't know that my house could outlast my kids were they home all day.

I'm blessed though. And I am here to tell you so! Not in a bragging sort of way though. To God be the glory!
  1. Thankfully blessed in being able to get in all of my hours at work this week--even with a few shorter than expected days. Only 12 hours to go to make up for the snow! Woot Woot!
  2. Thankful that I completed my performance evaluation. I dread that every year. I beg to be a pauper rather than have to think of things to say about myself. Just weirds me out.
  3. Thankful for friends who care enough about me to fuss when they think I should make appointments with people I'd rather not make appointments with. Alex, I will, before the end of 2009 I WILL listen to you. I will. I'd promise but I kid you not, I heard on my bible podcast that God tells us just to say, "I will. Not promise or swear or anything." (That could get me out of SOOOOO many commitments don'tcha think?)
  4. Thankful that, save a few flakes here and there, we did not get more dumps of snow. I'm pretty ready for it to turn my lawn back to it's well nourished green.
  5. Thankful that I'm getting the hang of things at work and still loving it. EVERY SINGLE DAY I'm thankful for that.
  6. Thankful that my car is still holding up.
  7. Thankful for smarty pants friends who convince me that my car will hold up.
  8. Thankful that my favorite little girl is getting an opportunity to learn self-defense in school. She's having a great time too!
  9. Thankful that my mood is perking up and that currently I'm not having great feelings of being overwhelmed. (Praying hard that those feelings will stay)
  10. Last but not least so very thankful for the future pilot. My baby. Who really isn't a baby but will always be MY baby. He was born just five short years ago today and, though I was scared as heck to find out I was carrying him, I could not imagine a world with out the delight he has given me.
Thank you Jesus
You give so much to please us.
A thoughtful Father
Giving as no other.
Thank you so much
for everything that You touch.
Everything around me
So much pleasure to see.
May I never stop gazing
On Your love. So amazing!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Well the winds are calm for now and I'm enjoying the solitude and freedom from keeping water boiled and ready. It's been an interesting week. God has been good!

  1. Thank you God that my family has survived snow storm after snow storm with no incidents.
  2. Thank you God for keeping our electric on so we would have heat and amenities by which we have been so spoiled.
  3. Thank you God that my company has given us a generous amount of time in which to repay the leave we've had to use due to the weather.
  4. Thank you God that "the law" has been kept safe while on duty. (Please keep him safe and awake as he works another unexpected 12 hour shift tonight)
  5. Thank you God that my kids have gotten along extremely well.
  6. Thank you God that I have a day without snow so I may get my hubby his well-deserved Carvel ice cream cake--for his birthday.
  7. God thank you for bringing my son home safe today so he could help shovel out the drive so we'll be well prepared to get in and out to work and such.
  8. Thank you God for a wonderful brother who has worked tirelessly to shovel everyone out and somehow still find time to play with our lonely dog.
  9. Thank you God for family close by so we can run back and forth between homes when we need an egg or butter, or hand soap with shea for tiny cracked fingers.
  10. Thank you God that I am making good use of my time. Not gorging on food but cleaning and sorting and throwing and giving.
Thank you God for the many blessings you have given me. I do not take any of them lightly.

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Daughter: The Artist

"Behold the Heart"
"Behold the 2 Shaded Hearts"
"Behold the Three Hearts"
"Steaming Cup"
"Steamy Cup--Close-up"

She's going to go places. I just know it.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Here I Am!...

in case you were wondering. :) My wonderful husband, the law, gave me an external keyboard for my birthday. Woohoo. I am connected again. My computer is still acting a bit quirky and some of my apps are exhibiting signs of chokedness. My new word--look for it in Webster soon.

We got a big dump of snow today. It was awesome. I snuck out and got a few pictures after it actually STOPPED snowing. I think I may need to invest in snowshoes. Those drifts are gargantuan. Here are a few to prove it actually did happen on my street.

I walked off the front porch and couldn't find the stairs. I thought it would be nice to walk out and get a picture of the front of the house. I fell down a few times because it was so deep.
The future pilot was just light enough to be able to stay close to the surface. It gave him a great advantage in lobbing his snow balls at unsuspecting souls--me.
The law was hard at work while we played. Shoveling. Shoveling. Shoveling. I love him.
The snow has given ole Hank the means to escape. We are hoping he doesn't figure out that he could simply walk over the fence now.
Stay tuned to this channel. I've promised the kids we'd build an igloo tomorrow. They are probably not going to let me off the hook.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I'm back!!! For some reason a vision of Jack Nicholson just flashed in front of me. I dunno why but that scene in The Shining where he popped out announcing he was there just creeped me out. I've really never been a fan since then. Anyway I am happy to be back. I feel a bit crippled technically speaking because I am trying out this post by way of my phone. Here goes...

1. I am thankful for my friend Alex who cheers me on and gave me the suggestion of posting mobile. You can bet I'll be asking him more questions tomorrow about this whole thing.

2. For my good friend Annemarie who encourages me along my weightloss journey. Who makes me stay focused and positive when I feel like my steps are small.

3. For my hubby who called from work in a good mood tonight and even laughed at a few of my jokes. Hugs to you dear.

4. Thankful for my mama who remembers to remind me about the future pilot's show and tell day so I can help him find something for it.

5. That I was somehow so enthralled in work this week that I am ahead of schedule on my hours. Woot!!!

6. Thankful for a CD player in the office so I can rock out to some of my favorites. (Just promise me you wont tell anyone I rocked out to the Bee Gees Love Songs four times in a row please--note to self 'update CD collection')

7. For Trader Joe's mango cream bars. They are delicious and only one point if you follow Weight Watchers!!!

8. For quiet time with God's. I'm really enjoying the daily audio bible podcast. Every day I am left anticipating the next reading.

9. That I waited out that whole Toyota minivan thing. I still think they make a great car but this should give then some time to figure things out before I make my purchase. My 2002 Toyota is chugging along just fine.

10. For kids. My own. Yours. All of them. They just are such precious gifts--not to mention our future. Have you hugged one today?

Thank you Jesus!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

o be coninued

Curren m compuer is dring ou. If ou can' read his I wi inerprae aer. For now bogging wi be sporadic. I apoogize. ou see m favorie ie gir in he word spied waer on m apop and now i wi power up bu some of he ees are si no maing he connecion so o spea. So on a hiaus we go. Because pushing from m emai o m bog is no m idea of fun.

Currently my computer is drying out. If you can't read this I will
interpret. For now blogging will be sporadic. I apologize. You see my
favorite little girl spilled water on my laptop and now it will power
up but some of the keys are still not making the connection so to
speak. So on a hiatus we go. Because pushing from my e-mail to my blog
is not my idea of fun.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Wow, I can't believe the amount of comments I moderated today! It was a record for me! Seven! It's funny how things like that seem to happen just when I start thinking no one is reading and I should stop blogging. I know I've been sporadic in my postings but I just can't post when I don't feel like it. (Makes me meaner than a snake-SSSSS!) Not really but well, stress isn't good. ;)

I digress. Back to the topic. Reasons I am thankful...
  1. "the law" took my fave lil girl out shopping for a new coat. (She managed to break the zippers on the coat I bought her just this season (two layers, mind you, = TWO broken zippers))
  2. "the law" is taking also grabbing a bite to eat with her. Thank you Jesus that I do not have to a)figure out what he wants to eat b)fix his meal and c)pray he tolerates it and d)clean up after anyone
  3. that due to 1 and 2 I will not have to break up any Wii fights tonight.
  4. that I get to bask in the peacefulness of a tranquil home after have one of those days where I wanted to call and say I was never coming home.
  5. that my mortgage can be paid over the phone.
  6. that I was able to avoid bagels in my morning staff meeting this morning even though this "precious" co-worker felt the need to continually nudge me ALL during the meeting with the other half of his double chocolate chip bagel.
  7. that because I was able to avoid the bagels and my spinach salad didn't taste as good on day 2 that I had extra points for dinner--and that eating a Trader Joe's Mussaman Curry Chicken frozen meal that I had calculated to be 8 points left me full and scared that maybe I miscalculated. (It tasted too good for 8 points but really was. I checked.)
  8. that we are getting some warmer weather tomorrow (mental note to self-sneak out and enjoy it before it dips again)
  9. that I may get to bed on time tonight
  10. for the i-Touch "the law" gave me for Christmas. Funny how I was blessed with two of the three things I had listed as "wants" I wasn't going to cave into. And funny how I'm really thankful now that I did not buy the "new" Sienna since they are changing the body style and features for the 2011 model. More time to think and a sweeter pot.
Thank you Jesus for providing for me. For giving me a way to get closer to you. I thank you for being in control even when I think I'm in the driver's seat. Thank you for your mercy and goodness.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fitness Update

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, learning from failure." --Colin Powell

Preparation has always been one of my hardest tasks when dieting. It goes without saying that trying to shave off a good chunk of your physical being is going to be work. I'm still working on learning from failure. I can't exactly say what has happened in the past to cause me to give up the fight to lose the weight. Each time I've given up I had been losing. It's odd. I just gave up. I'm striving to stay focused and positive this time around. Learning that preparation is key and this isn't going to be a cake walk. Quite literally. (More like a celery stalk--heheh)

Week one ended yesterday. The results:

1. Weight to lose before I reach my goal - 38.8 34 pounds
2. This week's mini health goal - take my vitamins every day - CHECK (6/7 days was pretty good I think)
3. This week's spiritual health commitment - begin daily audio bible podcast - CHECK...loving it!
4. This week's mini mental health commitment - encouraging letters to 2 individuals - Hmm. room for improvement. No letters.

Goals for this week:

1. Weight to lose before I reach my goal - 34 pounds
2. Mini health goal - 3 30 minute workouts
3. This week's spiritual health commitment - continue podcast
4. Mini mental health commitment - work on removing negative comments about my weight to others.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Healthcare "Reform"?

We got our new insurance cards for 2010. Undoubtedly the premiums went up--I haven't yet seen a year when they don't. I'd ask my hubby but he's asleep.

I already don't go to the doctors unless I feel like I'm dying. I don't abuse health care. I take the kids when they are sick or need shots. If they don't need shots I usually don't take them in for an annual physical. I just have never seen a need for a weight/height check when I can do that myself. I DO buy their clothes after all. I can tell if they are growing. They tell me if they don't feel well if I don't notice it with my supersonic mother abilities.

I digress. What has me peeved is this...

Can you read that? I'll give you the breakdown. A visit to our primary care physician used to cost 15.00. Now? 30. That is double what it was before. A specialist used to be 20.00. Now? 35. The most disturbing was a visit to a hospital ER. Though I try to make those visits rare they have happened. The cost WAS 50.00 and now? 150 dollars!!! Really. That is triple what it was.

If you have children who don't sit on the couch all day you know the likelihood of at least one visit to the ER is in your future--not claiming that God. Just sayin'.

I have a solution though. (I learned it on TV)

Hey, it's on sale right now too! Just .99 cents more than a visit to the doctor's--and if you order online you don't have to wait in line!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I can't believe we've almost finished up our first week of the new year. It is just zipping by. I almost forgot to post because I'm getting my days all mixed up. Nonetheless, THANKFUL. As Louise L. Hay once said (in one of the best ways)...

“I find that the more willing I am to be grateful for the small things in life, the bigger stuff just seems to show up from unexpected sources, and I am constantly looking forward to each day with all the surprises that keep coming my way!”

  1. For podcasts. Especially the Daily Audio Bible. I hope it counts as reading the word because I'm getting a lot out of it!
  2. For self control, especially when office-mates try to peddle their delectable high calorie goods my way.
  3. For a car that starts even when it's quite chilly out.
  4. For a daughter who loves to cook--and Paula Deen for publishing "My First Cookbook". It's been a true gift to our family.
  5. That "the law" is home tonight so I may have help with bedding down the kids.
  6. For the upcoming weekend and a completely free Saturday with nothing on the agenda to rouse me from sleep until I am good and ready.
  7. For work that continues to challenge my brain and build my self-esteem as I learn to step out in faith.
  8. For humility to ask questions when I'm afraid to step out at all.
  9. For a wonderful family that touches me in many different ways.
  10. That my sister and her family got to see a huge snow storm in England this week! Though I am sort of jealous that she has energy to go and build snowmen with her boys at 130am HER time. (Still...GLAD for their winter wonderland)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"The winners in life think constantly in terms of I can, I will, and I am. Losers, on the other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what they should have or would have done, or what they can't do." --Dennis Waitley

So that's my problem. I spent more time last year concentrating on the shoulda woulda couldn'ts. Well folks this is a new year and since I gained an additional fresh seven pounds while I was overindulging on my holiday, the meatball stops here. Really.

One day a week you will be subjected to my updates. Why? Because this is my blog and I need to blab about it someplace and I don't need anymore paper in my house. Besides lack of handwriting has forced me into instant writer's cramp when I pick up writing utensils.

I'm far too vain to step out and give a starting weight but I do have a goal and I do plan to lose and I do plan to actively participate in this weigh-down regimine. For real this time. Feel free to encourage me--not that you could give an honest observation that my face seems thinner or my jeans aren't making my butt look as big but hey, I'm fine with a few lies. Sometimes that's all I need to get me by.


This year I am going to do it. I can. I will. I am. I can. I will. I am.

1. Weight to lose before I reach my goal - 38.8 pounds
2. This week's mini health goal - take my vitamins every day
3. This week's spirtual health commitment - begin daily audio bible podcast
4. This week's mini mental health commitment - encouraging letters to 2 individuals

Now if you'll excuse me I have some Wii Fit Plus to kick butt in.