Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I think my fascination with blogging is wearing off. Either that or maybe I'm just getting lazy. Or busy. I'm not sure. One thing is for certain though. I should never use those excuses to for not thanking God.

1. Thankful that the guest room is almost put together for expected company.
2. Thankful for company.
3. Thankful for a beautiful weekend in Ocracoke, NC last weekend. (Blog to follow--I think)
4. Thankful for team work thanks to my honey too.
5. Thankful for kids who did great at their jobs in the wedding.
6. Thankful that my oldest seems to have survived the totaling of his truck with enough to pay it off.
7. Thankful that I look around and see too much instead of not enough.
8. Thankful for good books.
9. Thankful for the job I know God has waiting for my dear friend (you know who you are and you also know that HE holds you in the palm of His hand and is ready to bless you 100 fold).
10. Thankful for coffee. (Oh and for a certain playlist selection over here. Are you thankful for coffee too Mrs. Standford?) ;)

Lord I thank thee
for the things You've given me.

1 comment:

Just A Girl said...

Oh, I've been away too long. Don't you dare stop blogging! I love your Thankful Thursdays - every time. Thanks for liking the playlist. I do love me some coffee, and if we lived close by, I'd brew you some and make a honeybun cake and we'd pretend we weren't trying to lose weight. How's that? : >