Friday, June 5, 2009

Friday. Is There Any Other...

day that smells as sweet?

For me it is the end of a work week. The beginning of a time to regroup, reclaim my house, and relax with my family. As a mom who works outside the home as well as in it I feel the pressure of having to answer to more bosses than I should have to. Having to please more people than is humanly possible. So when I missed my workout window working two hours passed my time, and then sat in traffic that crept along for 30 minutes more of a commute than my already 45 minutes I knew it was time to call home.

Me: Hey
The Law (aka my husband): Hey
Me: Can we got out?
The Law: Sure. Where do you want to go?
Me (trying not to choke since we never ever go out on a Friday because we don't like people crowds): Um I was thinking that steak place or the turtle place.
The Law: OK
Me (still in shock that dinner discussions weren't needing to be raised to a Senate committee): Which would you prefer?
The Law (asks the kids): Ok, it's the turtle. I'll meet you there.

And so there it was. Dinner with the family. Simple as that. Afterwards I took the future pilot and 'the Law" took my favorite little girl and we went our separate ways. My party went to the grocery store and it was the most peaceful shopping experience I've had in a long long time. My little shopping companion was a dream.

Oh did I mention that the store was pretty much empty to boot? I may just make a habit of this.

1 comment:

Debbiy said...

Give "the Law" a hug for me.