Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I'm back!!! For some reason a vision of Jack Nicholson just flashed in front of me. I dunno why but that scene in The Shining where he popped out announcing he was there just creeped me out. I've really never been a fan since then. Anyway I am happy to be back. I feel a bit crippled technically speaking because I am trying out this post by way of my phone. Here goes...

1. I am thankful for my friend Alex who cheers me on and gave me the suggestion of posting mobile. You can bet I'll be asking him more questions tomorrow about this whole thing.

2. For my good friend Annemarie who encourages me along my weightloss journey. Who makes me stay focused and positive when I feel like my steps are small.

3. For my hubby who called from work in a good mood tonight and even laughed at a few of my jokes. Hugs to you dear.

4. Thankful for my mama who remembers to remind me about the future pilot's show and tell day so I can help him find something for it.

5. That I was somehow so enthralled in work this week that I am ahead of schedule on my hours. Woot!!!

6. Thankful for a CD player in the office so I can rock out to some of my favorites. (Just promise me you wont tell anyone I rocked out to the Bee Gees Love Songs four times in a row please--note to self 'update CD collection')

7. For Trader Joe's mango cream bars. They are delicious and only one point if you follow Weight Watchers!!!

8. For quiet time with God's. I'm really enjoying the daily audio bible podcast. Every day I am left anticipating the next reading.

9. That I waited out that whole Toyota minivan thing. I still think they make a great car but this should give then some time to figure things out before I make my purchase. My 2002 Toyota is chugging along just fine.

10. For kids. My own. Yours. All of them. They just are such precious gifts--not to mention our future. Have you hugged one today?

Thank you Jesus!


Just A Girl said...

I'm impressed that you can text entire blog posts. I am "text challenged". Keep losing weight so you can encourage and inspire me after this already huge baby is out.

ISO (In search of) said...

Are you kidding? I want to know how you have the energy to post with all those kids tugging on you...not to mention the one growing inside you. I'd be exhausted. You inspire me.