Saturday, December 5, 2009

Two (or more) For Tea

What an exciting day! I sucked up my "what if's" and attended our Ladies Tea with the ladies at my church. I don't get out much and I should. I've said that before. Even less do I invest in good fellowship with the abundantly rich souls that can be found right in my very own church community. I have my reasons. None of them good. They all begin with "what if" but we'll save that topic for another day.

Today, I didn't let anything stop me. What excuse did I have? The ladies ministry offered free childcare! I didn't even let the threat of snow convince me that it was a "sign" not to go. I went. I met ladies I've walked by for years yet never truly held a conversation with. Oh and no, giving baby instructions (or taking them) does not count.

In a beautiful city. In a quaint little tavern. On a rainy day. How better to converse then over tea?
Not wanting to impose on those in the party I didn't do any photo snapping until the waitstaff was cleaning up.
I can vouch that the place was decorated very festively.
And the walk back to the car was enjoyable and scenic.
And that silly old snow, though frosting my windows, didn't pick up too heavy until I was home.

Thank you to to all of you who made this day possible. I had a great time and can't wait until we meet again.

1 comment:

Just A Girl said...

I sure hope you appreciate your surroundings. What a lovely town! I can't imagine living in such a pretty place. Sounds like a wonderful day.