Monday, February 16, 2009

Heard from the back seat...

Daughter's Friend: You know how I have a lot of security at my house right?

Daughter: Why?

DF (with whips head around with a puzzled look): What?

Daughter: Why?

DF: No, just say, "Yes."

Daughter: What?

DF: Just SAY, "Yes!"

Daughter (with odd look on her face): Um, yes?

DF: It's because I'm afraid a lot.

Don't ask me why but I was waiting for some kind of punch line there.


Future Pilot: Where is God?

Daughter: He's in heaven.

FP: Yes but HOW do you get there?

Daughter: You have to be saved.

FP: No, you fly. How far is heaven?

Me: It's very very far away. Too far to fly.

FP: Jesus shouldn't fly then. It's dangerous.

1 comment:

Just A Girl said...

Too funny. Kids crack me up. From my backseat tonight - Blythe: I don't want to play Mama anymore. Friend Jayden: Fine. I'm a teenager then. Me: ??? Tell your sweet daughter Happy Birthday from the blogosphere!