Wednesday, March 4, 2009

You Gonna Use That Bottle?

I'm not a flyer. Flying scares me. I might be a world traveler if it didn't involve an airplane. I'm not sure why I'm so scared of them. I mean they say the risk of crashing (said as I'm watching Lost) are less than that of being in a car accident.

Planes are okay. I mean they have reclining chairs (tongue in cheek), they serve food, fellowship (unless you get the rude neighbor), and bathrooms. Or at least right NOW they do.

And then I read this The Next Airline Fee... . Say what??? Do they NOT know from other experiences the havoc this could cost? Seriously. Pay toilets? In the air? Does anyone else see where this could go? Isn't it bad enough we have people stopping in the subway because they don't have facilities readily available? Or on the side of the road because it's not convenient to stop some place else? Now they want to install coin operated toilets. Um, can we NOT cut corners in some other way. Like maybe those airline catalogs that I couldn't afford a thing in unless I spent my entire pay check on it. For real.


Just A Girl said...

This is not a problem for me. I am such a white knuckle flier. I refuse to leave my seat until the plane has landed. You and me - let's just drive to Mexico or something. Who needs Paris?

Alex said...

If enacted I predict a lot of damp carpet, seats, and mysterious odors. On principle of course. You can't very well eject someone from a flight once it's in the air.