Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Facebook Update

Maybe this isn't fair or right but I starting going through my notifications tonight. I've ignored so many that I didn't even realize just how many were stacking up. If you read this post then you know that I'm not much at the game playing that goes on there. I mean I was petrified enough to just go through joining and giving Facebook folks my super secret squirrel information.

Anyway, I thought I'd give another rundown on what is there now. Well, that is until after I "ignore" them all. And really, I do hate to do that. I feel cruel and unusual. Because as far as I can tell EVERYONE is playing these "cute" little games but me. I feel like I have two left shoes on. Both of a different color. I feel like I'm wearing hot pink and lime green striped pants and a plaid floral mixed shirt. I feel. I feel. Well, I feel odd. That is all. So here we go.

2 super cocktail requests. Um yes, cocktails are high in calories. I'll pass. For now.
6 kidnap requests. Hey if I LET you take me can I have some of the ransom? You are asking for money right?
1 birthday gift request. Ah shucks. Yes. I'm curious. Nope I still won't open it.
4 birthday requests. Hmm. Well I won't post it there but if you read my blog you would already know.
1 Which historically misunderstood person would I befriend? Um...hmmm. Well absolutely nobody that should have or did do hard time for their misunderstandableness. Yes, not a word but hey. You get the point.
1 Pac Man invitation. Um no thank you. Playing video games makes me jittery and nervous. This isn't good for an already jittery and nervous person.
1 interview invitation. Is it a paid interview? Because I would totally do it.
21 (count them) TWENTY ONE drinking requests. I don't even drink. Very much. Less than 10 drinks a year. Really. No kidding.
1 hug request. Gosh I sure can always use a hug.
1 duck duck goose request. Um, me thinks they do not know I can't get up and down that fast anymore? It's the knees. Well, and maybe the lack of stamina.
2 Christmas tree requests. Whoa, missed that one. Too late.
2 snowball war requests. Hah! You will never find me! Snow hurts!
1 Which animal are you? request. Now, um either that's not nice or someone's feeling frisky. Either way I'm not telling. Snarf!
3 nicest person requests. Wow people are STILL thinking that? Hmmm. I find that touching. I do. I'm all toasty now.
1 coca cola request. Oh I'm sorry. I'm a chocolate milk kind of girl. Well I was. Before my stomach decided to turn on me and refuse lactose.
3 cause invitations. 3 words here. Guilt guilt and guilt. Yep, THAT's how I feel for ignoring those.
1 my gifts invitation. Mine. MINE. MY gifts. Hmmm that seems greedily possessive. And I left it there anyway. Undisturbed. So please, feel free to regift. I really think it would be best.
2 Willy's sweet shop requests. I'M ON A DIET!!!!

Ugh, this is more exhausting then I thought it would be. I can't go on. Are you asleep now? That was my plan. A nice nighty night story for my bloggy readers.


Gitz 'n Jo said...

I hear ya, sister! My ignore button has gotten a lot of use.

And if I'm going to have a cocktail, I want it in my hand and tasty. :)

Just A Girl said...

I'm with you. I feel like such a jerk when I ignore all those requests, but I just haven't got the time. I'm doing well to update my status every now and then. I will post again soon.