Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I've seen a few posts on the blogs of others about Facebook. It's funny but I never wanted anything to do with it. I mean I have a publicly accessible blog all about me and my family but I didn't want to be associated with Facebook. At all.

About two months ago two friends practically brow beat me into joining. I was freakish about it but I signed up. I still don't know what I think about it except the chat feature is cool. I'm fairly certain this is how my sister and I will connect up as we internet shop on Friday. That is IF she is still joining me. I mean I have a paper due so I've been doing everything BUT the paper. I took a break this morning. I mean who was I kidding? I knew all I was going to do was stare at the screen all day in between my catering to the future pilot's every whim. Why waste the day. So we went to Target and put near bought them clean out of everything. Not really but I'm certain I tipped my Target purchasing scale.

So back to Facebook. You write on people's walls. Share pictures. Network. THAT part I get. The parts I don't get are the gifting, and snowball throwing, and cause joining. Don't ask me why but accepting or joining anything sent my way just makes me a bit leary. So here is what I have so far avoided (not ignored--because if you do that I'm thinking someone gets told you dissed them)...

-1 glad we are friends request. I'm very touched. Really.
-5 snowballs--seriously guys. My feelings are way hurt that I would have not one but FIVE snowballs thrown at me while my back is turned.
-1 Christmas tree request. Um can I JUST enjoy Thankgiving a bit longer?
-1 birthday request. OK FINE I'll tell you when it is when you promise you need it because you are going to send me a NON-virtual gift. :) Sorry that's greedy but hey I'll give it a whirl.
-5 drinking requests. My word, is someone like in need of a girls night out????
-1 coca cola request. Sorry deary. My dentist said ixnay on the odasay. (or oppay if that is what you prefer to call that corrosive liquid that is very very bad for your tooth enamel)
-2 kidnap requests. TWO! Sheesh I sure hope you intend to take care of my family. I mean who would feed them? Do their laundry? Pick up after them? On second thought, let me just grab a few things and let's be off!!!!
-3 cause invitations. Um hmmm. Does anyone else care to try and guilt me this holiday season? I mean I have address lables coming out the wazoo. This is very sad since my husband assures me we ARE moving and I won't be able to use my current address labels even if I send 200 Christmas cards a year for 3 years.
-1 gift invitation. Hmm...can I open it at Christmas? :D
-1 smile request. Sheesh if you have to ASK me to smile then I'm really sorry. I usually do try to be a happy person.
-3 nicest person awards. Please talk to the person who sent the smile request. I don't think they know how nice I am.
-1 secret agent war request. Um, love not war comes to mind. Oh and if I respond and ask who I'm fighting is that when you tell me you would tell me but you'd have to kill me?
-2 bumper sticker requests. Um. I haven't put a bumper sticker on anything in years. Too much work.
-1 shots, shooters request. Again, I think someone needs a night out.
-1 american accent request (and yes it was NOT capitalized) I mean sheesh if it's not important enough to capitalize my country then I am not going to speak in twang-ese for you.
-1 hug me invitation. Um. Hmm. Well, maybe I can, I mean should accept this one. Lest the 3 people who nominated me for the nicest person award find out I won't even hug someone and retract their nominations. I mean after all. There might be prizes involved!

If anyone has suggestions for me on how to handle these or can allay my fears in getting involved please comment.

Oh, and one of my favorite bloggers, Jennifer, had a very way cool post yesterday. Check it out. All about Thanksgiving and the true meaning.


Debbiy said...

1. I will be there.

2. You might need to download AOL IM anyway since my Facebook chat on my new laptop is broken.

3. You can ignore the request. I do it all the time. But shhhhh..don't tell. And btw, the Christmas Ornament is probably from me....

Kelly said...

Thanks....I did finally get some zzzz's last night but had to take a 30 minute power nap today just to make it through the afternoon and evening!
I hear you on the Facebook thing. I got on but then got off because some "drama" and I do mean "drama" was unfolding right before my very eyes.
Decided my blog was enough for me to deal with!

Anita J. said...

LOL That was fun. I get a little...confused by some of the invitations on Facebook as well.

Just A Girl said...

Hey, you are my hero. You blogged all week long. I am a big loser because I posted ONCE. I must not be ready for the big leagues - regular holiday blogging. Thanks for mentioning my ONE post this week. By the way, your other posts this week cracked me up. Funny. Also, on the Facebook thing - I am totally freaked out by that as well, but I do have almost 30 friends now and I also have FLAIR (but you knew that already -hee hee).

ISO (In search of) said...

Anita, HAH! Who knew I wasn't the only confused person? I think I'm going to start ignoring them. I just feel like I'm turning down gifts or something.

Debbi, see ya online tomorrow! I can't believe I forgot to take some ham home!

Kelly, drama? Oh my. Hope you were able to untangle yourself from it. Blogging is way more fun I think. :)

Awe, Jennifer. A hero? LOL. I've lived and breathed computer for too many days now. On the home stretch with the paper. Oh and your posts had impact. Although I must admit I am STARVED for more posts. Hope to see one soon. 30 friends? I'm jealous. I don't have half that many. You are just so popular! Can we be friends? LOL.

Unknown said...

facebook nicest person thanks, it is so funny

Thomas R said...

If you figure out how to block the "Smile Request" please tell me. Other apps are blockable, but not this... :/

All the applications drive me nuts. The only one I use is the one from Chess.com, as it allow me to both play chess AND have quiet conversation with my friends without being bombarded with updates and requests.

The chat sometimes clear the history, but it is just a bug;
Open a new window and the conversation should re-appear.

Good luck on Facebook! ;)