Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Favorite Room

So it was mentioned that I gave up my favorite room in the house to give my kids a playroom. It used to be MY sun room. MY office. My quiet little sanctuary. The place I could peer outside in any season and see nature's beauty.

I guess the thrill wore off when it got too hard to get out of the papasan chair really quick if the kids stopped playing nicely (a better sounding way of saying beating each other up). I found myself not going out there much. So I figured maybe I could get them to keep their toys out of the family room if they had a room of their own. "Maybe this will work!", I said to myself. So I moved all of my stuff out and their stuff in. Voila playroom.

As you may have seen in yesterday's post though, their toys don't always stay in THEIR playroom. Sometimes they travel here...

and of course sometimes here...
and even, strangely enough, here...
but rarely, if ever, do they travel here...
because this is "Mommy's room".
Mommy keeps this one room pristine. Oh don't get me wrong. It's not "just for company". It's not just a "looking at" room aka the living room. Why do they call in a living room by the way if you don't really "LIVE" in it? I mean you have the family room where you can be messy and eat and really LIVE. Then you have the living room where, relegate it to just hoity toity company. We don't have one of those. No, "Mommy's room" is where Mommy goes to read, do homework, pay bills, and to get away from the ever present tv. It's also where Mommy goes to read to the kids and I'm not the only one who likes the quietness I can assure you.

Just ask my pillow flattener...
My pillow squasher likes me to think she's hiding from the kids but I know deep down she just wants to squash my pillows because she likes to watch me waste time re-fluffing.
Because she just simply CAN NOT REST until they are sufficiently...

1 comment:

Just A Girl said...

Thanks so much for your comment you left on my blog! All those people were right - comments are love in the blogosphere. Comments are like having pen pals again, huh? Love your blog. Looks like yours is a baby, like mine. I'm working really hard on figuring out what I'm doing (when I have time). Right now, I'm sitting at my parents house because we have no electricity where I live. We're just blessed to be able to have a/c after Gustav. Most people don't have it. Oh well, I know this is long, but I'm so thrilled you found me - and commented! Thanks!!!