Monday, August 25, 2008

Pilot Love Tested

Today started so smoothly. My daughter got up for the first day of school all on her own. Shining bright. Her little brother woke up in an equally good mood. We got the daughter off to school, walked the dog, and headed out to run errands. On the way to the grocery store the future pilot decided he wanted to go to his favorite restaurant--which happens to be positioned near the airport. Now you have to understand this is the kid who doesn't like to eat so when he announces he wants pizza AND macaroni and cheese life halts and we eat!

We get the non perishables at the grocery store and head to the restaurant. I thought, "How nice. Just me and the future pilot out for a relaxing lunch." We are seated and the only patrons--as it was quite early in the day still. All was well as we ordered drinks and our meals. Well, that is until he decided to lick the top of the grated cheese dispenser. I could NOT believe he did that! Of course I scolded him. I told him that wasn't acceptable and that WE don't do that. I was quite composed when I did it. I didn't yell like I would have at home. And still he headed straight under the table and covered his face. Hmmm...maybe he's working on something--still not potty trained you see. Of course after the food came and I still could not coax him out from hiding I knew something else was wrong. Somehow I had managed to hurt his feelings. Without yelling or spanking or any other thing I had hurt his feelings. And...and there he was becoming a hermit under the table.

Tell me, please. What do you do in that kind of situation? Without making a total scene how do you let them know it's not okay to just lay on the floor, and that you've just bought macaroni and cheese AND pizza because he announced he was THAT hungry?

(Oh and for those of you who are wondering if you should ever sprinkle cheese from one of those dispensers again, I DID tell the waiter that it should be replaced--on account of the licking.)

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