Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So goes the search...

We looked at some really beautiful places over the weekend. Places that fit the slower pace of life we are searching for. It started with a second phone call to one of the realtors we had tried to contact while in town. The places we called to inquire about were both under contract. They told us we could still see them if we liked. Being the nosy house hunter I am I fell in. It was quite a drive over to meet the realtors. They were pleasant, not at all pushy. We talked for a bit and then they asked if we'd like to see any of the places. Of course we did.

We drove past a place called Party Hardy at Krazy Katies. That kind of cracked me up. I could just imagine telling people to "just turn past Party Hardy at Krazy Katies--no stopping now."

So we get midway down a gravel road as I'm saying to myself, "Hmmm, wonder how we'll get the kids out to the school bus?" but then up a car lengths hill and to the right we see this...

From that same spot looking to the left is this...

and in between the two were these shots...

I was in heaven. I thought please fall through contract please fall through. Then we went to check out the house a little closer.

What a beeeeeeautiful front porch! Dont'cha think? Complete with a ramp. Great for moving bulky furniture (and for us when we grow old). Oh my heart is a thumping.

See that there two TWO car garage? Surely now I would be able to park my car in it. Because remember that view when we first came in???...

Surely THAT is big enough for a few tractors. Oh a garage. For me! How nice. I took a few pictures of the interior. The place is just studs for now. Ready for someone to put on the finishing touches.

Alas thanks to a retired colonel and his family we will not be calling this home. They found it first and oh how blessed they are. Sob sob sob.

We went to two other places that were in much this same condition. Brand spanking new inside. Ready for my designing touches. Though we visited them as well I won't post them here. Oh my heart is breaking. Just breaking. Longing for the long awaited country peace.

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