Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obsessive Dreams of Botched up Blogging

Okay, so I really thought I was going to post more often. I guess you could say I have bloggers block. I want all of my posts to be quippy or funny or just well, well planned. It's so sad that I even dreamed about stressing over my blog last night.

Yesterday I went to work, went to boot camp and planned on picking up my kids and grocery shopping and maybe getting a bite out to eat with them. Of course son number one needed assistance so it was hurry home, grab the kids, plan a half way point, meet the son, hand him assistance ($$$$) and then figure out how to get eggs and some stuff to pack in my daughter's school lunch with a now sleeping three year old. So...

Mad dash into unfamiliar grocery store to grab essentials while son's girlfriend entertained daughter in her car and son watched over the pilot snoozing in the back seat of my van. Dash out starving because nearby good smelling restaurant doesn't now how to keep their good smells in. Buckle daughter back in van, tell son's girlfriend to keep son one out of trouble, peck son on cheek and plead with him to stop having crises. Grab bad burger meal for daughter at greasy fast food burger joint. Try hard to resist buying bad burger for myself. Get part way down the road (with daughter asking repeatedly if I am lost). Realize I should have gotten the pilot something for when he wakes up. Pass another bad burger joint and turn in to grab bad burger meal with "healthy" apples slices. Succumb to bad burger for myself.

Panic when daughter announces inevitable potty stop and insist we are NOT stopping because the area is bad and the pilot is sleeping. Make it home. Rush to open door, scramble to remove stuff from the car, walk the dog, help daughter get through last of homework, ready kids for bed, read to kids turn out lights. Panic when Hank (bark alarm on four legs who guards the side door) begins to announce possible intruder. Pray to God that it's a deer, or a dog, or one of the several cats that hangs around or yes, maybe even air. Drift to sleep with both daughter and pilot next to me in bed and annoying small dog on top of my aching legs (boot camp was killer).

2:00 am - husband arrives home from work. Moves daughter to her room and climbs in next to the pilot. Now wide awake I try to sleep as he begins to snore. I contemplate getting up and getting ready for work but think that will be absurd and I shake bed, tap him, groan loudly, toss, turn and somehow fall back asleep.

4:35 am I wake feeling somewhat rested and realize the alarm was supposed to go off 20 minutes ago and it's not turned on. Did I already get up? Did I turn it off? Then I remember what I was dreaming when I woke up.

I was in a beautiful island hut peering out on the water. Our neighbor was calling me asking if we we'd looked outside. I told him that yes I am enjoying the day. He invites us to a dinner party with his wife Lubka and children Sven and Lana. We go and I remember beautiful kaleidoscopes of leaves and whirling waves. Cut to me in a car with the top down and (no lie here) I felt like I was in a Flonase commercial. Petals of every color were swirling through the air and I wasn't driving so I was trying hard to catch all the pretty petals. And what was I saying?????

"OH my. OH my GOSH!!!! Why? WHY???? Why didn't I bring my camera? I SOOOOOO need to blog this!!!!!" -- Is there therapy for this? Please I'm in need.

1 comment:

Just A Girl said...

I, too, suffer from blog obssession now. I feel I must bring my camera everywhere and get so upset when I forget it. I will join your support group.