Wednesday, September 17, 2008

DNA Saves the Day for Plaguing Poo

Okay, I'm not sure why but I've been listening to the all news radio station for like a week straight now. I don't know if I'm craving human chatter or what but that is what I've been listening to. Maybe it's because of all the hype on politics and me thinking that after trying to tune it out for this long it might be time for me to start really listening to the he said she said crap that to me sounds like a bunch of whiny children. Sorry if I offend but well, I just feel like the time and money could be better spent trying to actually prove to us all what they can do rather than spending their money showing us what the other candidate has done or is doing wrong.

Where was I going with this post. Oh right. So I was on the way to work this morning and I heard a segment on dog fecal matter. I thought okay, it is like 5 something in the morning and I did just drive like 45 minutes in the car not really remembering much in my sleepy state of mind but this. THIS I did remember. Oh and to prove it to you here is the link to read for yourself. To reward or punish that is the question. I'm sorry but this just made me laugh a bit. Gives new meaning to animal control to be sure.

1 comment:

Liz Harrell said...

That's too funny. And I agree about the political stuff... I just want to hear some plans. :)