Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sisters. Share the Love

So if you happen to read the comments to any of my posts you might know that my sister announced publicly that she was sending me a box. So what", you may say but you see my sister, she lives in another country. Yes, my best friend and neighbor, packed up and moved, and left me here alone and dejected. Well, not exactly alone, and okay maybe not exactly dejected but I was sad. SAD I tell you.

She's my little sis. Not to be confused with my big sis. I will try not to rub it in too hard that people always think she's older. Heh, heh. HEY she deserves that jab! I mean what I'm about to show you might seem cute to some of you but let me tell you something. IT IS NOT CUTE WHEN YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH WHAT I ENDURED THIS SUMMER!!!

Anyway, I got home from a lunch meeting with some old friends and I find a box on my counter. I quickly see that it is from my sister. International mail leaves little to the imagination. They make you TELL what is inside. My heart sank when I saw "toys" on the label. I instantly remembered my daughter has a birthday coming up and, as usual, my sister enjoys the trait of punctuality. Certainly, clearly, this box is not for me. I just "came my way".

So I open the box and in it are a few tissue wrapped items. Each with labels. One had MY NAME ON IT! Oh joy! Christmas in September! A present for me! And then. Well. I opened it. And. This. Is. Um. What. What I saw...
!!!! Do you know what that is? Let me give you a creepy little close up.
ACK!!!! I never ever ever ever wanted to see one of those things again! Do you think her begging me to post my poem was a segway to her evil little set up? Oh if she were here I would take her to the ground and sit upon her until she couldn't breathe. Believe me. That wouldn't take long.

Anyway, lucky for her she sent this too...
and luckily I like peas. And sisters. Both of 'em. (just in case my big sister finds this blog some day. She's my big sister after all and she hits hard!)

So lil sis. Yuck to the icky stuffed thing. Again I just have to ask, "Why do people out there try and make these nasty little varmints cute?" They really are from the devil. Ain't no way MY GOD created them. I do thank you very much though for the sweet sentimental book. Oh and the kids thank you for their goodies too. (Handwritten thank-you's will be there by well, maybe Christmas. After all I'm cheap, and lazy.)


lilsis said...


Okay, now that you have me on record for being punctual....I guess I'd better get to shopping for that neice of mine, huh?

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

and let me go on record as saying that yes, your older sister DOES read your blog....

lilsis said...

IT'S A REUNION!!! Hi, BigSis!