Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shoes Please--Hold the meat

Today's post is going to be very short. Our router decided to check out for a bit sometime yesterday. I didn't discover it until around 930pm last night because I was trying to give my kids the attention they deserve. Let's face it, sometimes the computer (and all of you awesome bloggers) draw me in and I forget the time for a bit. I feel pretty proud of myself for trouble shooting it all by my lonesome today--especially since school starts tomorrow for me.

Speaking of school. My supplies are in order...
Textboooks--check, computer--check, year's supply of tissues--check check (plenty more where those came from). Why tissues you ask? Because I hate school--teachers if you are reading this I'm sorry. I just get really stressed out about succeeding. I get nervous that I will be less than average--even if I do all of my homework and reading assignments. It's just a lot for me to take on.

Oh and there's this...
Because for some unknown reasons my inner self believes I MUST be eating while doing schoolwork . "Honey, does this class make my butt look big?"

Wish me luck folks. I'm going to need that. Oh and if you are praying folks--throw a lot of those in too. I would sure appreciate some help in balancing this with all of the other going on's in my life.

Now then. Thank you for allowing me to divert from the title of this post for a second. I just well, had to get that out there.

I went to one of those shoe sites tonight, at the recommendation of a couple of my co-workers. I need some shoes. I need choices. I need wides. So, I went out to one of them and started perusing shoes. I think I must be behind the times because I saw the strangest thing out there. I was narrowing down the choices so I didn't have to look at 4,000 shoes and one of the choices was. Well, not leather I can tell you that. HA! It was VEGAN! Where have I been? When did this happen? When did non-leather shoes become something other than synthetic or man-made? Is this a new term or does something really set them apart to be categorized as vegan? Please, if you know the answer to this. Let me know. I've got to know.

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