Monday, December 1, 2008

It's Official

I am now a bonafide antiquer. Firefox tells me neither of those are actual words but I'm choosing to ignore them. How dare someone, especially a browser, correct me on MY blog.

Anyway, I dragged my mama all over today. We went to a consignment shop looking for the perfect indestructible vanity for my favorite little girl in the world. They didn't have any. However they had a recommendation. So I pushed and pulled my mama all the way...

next door.
Phew. She's such a trooper. So 7 minutes into our shopping trip, our mission...


Whatdiya think? Ain't it purty?
Believe it or not this fine crafted piece of furniture...
was within budget. I still need to get a nice mirror for it but I can just picture my favorite little girl in the world preening herself before it. Hey, she's a girl after all. :D

And while I'm sure it is not an antique I DID purchase it in an antique shop and I did haggle with the owner. So to me? I'm an antiquer and I dare you to tell me differently.

My mom went the extra mile and allowed me to pick up a few things at Tar-shay, you know the bulls-eye store.

She was such a good sport that we headed south for lunch. I had no idea we'd do that so I didn't bring my camera. This is my first attempt to use phone pictures and while they don't exactly do the day total justice they are a good gist of it.

Oh what a view.

We had the best corner table in the place. I just LOVE the water. We used to live on the water. I miss it a lot.
The future pilot even actually ate a little bit. Something he doesn't like to do. That kid would live off of Ovaltine if you let him. He's never even watched The Christmas Story all the way through so I don't understand that. At all.
When my favorite little girl in the world got home she had to play with the kittens. The visitors have taken up residence--like no one saw THAT coming.

She asked me if she could call her cousin Jake. She has a bond with that boy I tell ya. I hadn't even reminded her it was his birthday. I had tried to call earlier in the day but the line was busy-my mom beat me to it--obviously I did not wear her out enough on our journey.

Anyway, when we called it was after 10 where he is so he was groggy. Ole Jakie Poo that girl loves you and so do we. I mean that. I did NOT forget your birthday. Honest I didn't. It's just that this mean old forgetful aunt DID forget your brother's birthday and I can't send you and Todd gifts on time this year so he feels all like I am just not worthy. Okay? (Oh and don't tell him any of that because well, then he'd feel it)

I captured a picture of her talking to you. See...she still wears her boots. Well ONE of them anyway.


lilsis said...

Jake says: Sorry I couldn't really talk much yesterday, but I was tired. And, I love you, alot. And, I miss you alot, too.

Liz Harrell said...

That is one fabulous find! I love it!

Just A Girl said...

Nice vanity! The ones I found for my girls is almost destroyed already, but it actually was an antique, so that probably wasn't a good idea anyway. Nice pictures. You have some beautiful places around you.

Gitz 'n Jo said...

Oh, I am so with you on the whole loving the water thing. I've never lived by the water but in my dreams I would be... so relaxing.