Sunday, November 30, 2008

Day 30 - NaBloPoMo

Well, after I hit send tonight I will have officially made it. 30 days in a row of posting. Woohoo.

Tomorrow officially starts my Christmas countdown. It's the day the advent calendar will go up and the kids will have to figure out on their own just how many days we have until the awaited day.

Tomorrow also is the official cyber specials day. I have yet two more days off. I could potentially get all of my shopping done tomorrow if I'm really productive. For some reason though I don't feel like spending all of my time in front of the computer.

I've invited my mom--okay, begged and pleaded her to spend the day with me while I check out a few places. After all these years I still need to be reigned in at times and now is NOT the time to break the bank on Christmas purchases. I need someone to talk me out of the deals that aren't quite deals. I trust her to do that.

So, on this last day of November I leave you with this...because as you know from an earlier post I'm a fan and well, Christmas is all about the nativity...

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