Saturday, January 3, 2009


It seems around the blogsphere people are stating resolutions or or to do's for 2009. I have to say this is the first year in quite a while that it never crossed my mind to think of any. I think it might be because I was so wrapped up in trying to accomplish great things in 2008 that I just didn't realize that hey, a new year is coming. But come it did. Zip zam zoomed right in.

I gave it some thought and I'm going narrow my list to three things.


Original huh? Seriously. There must be a reason that these three words are being pictured together all over the place. I want to live and not just literally. I mean I don't mean just having blood pumping through my body and air coming in and out of my nose--or mouth which is usually the case. But living. Honest to goodness doing things. For me and for others. I think if I get this house simplified a bit I'll be able to do this.

Laugh. They do say it's the best medicine. I was eating dinner last night and I happened to see my reflection in the window. What I saw there wasn't very becoming. I can remember a day when I would get stopped walking down the hall and people always remembered me as the girl with the smile on her face. It was natural. Granted many years have gone by and gravity might have something to do with the fact that my smile corners happen to drag down a bit, but I think I'm going to work on smiling more. It's contagious don'tcha know? I'm going to work on NOT letting anyone steal my joy. "Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

Love. I've noticed as I've grown older I've become a very judgemental person. This isn't my job. Lord knows I have enough to keep me busy without taking on jobs that don't belong to me in the first place. I'm going to try and do what Jesus taught us to do. Love. Unconditionally. Without thought for loving them because I accept them and what they do but because it is what Jesus WANTS me to do. Not because they are like me. Not because they do something kind for me. Not because they are "cool". Because it is what I should do. Experience has shown me that when someone is shown love it tends to soften them. Clay is much easier to mold and use when it's soft, not hard. Is loving going to be hard? From experiencing I know I may end up working a few millimeters of enamal off my teeth but my hope is that it will get easier with time.


For Him.

1 comment:

Alex said...

For what it's worth, you're still one of the more smiley people I know.