Monday, November 16, 2009


At the end of the day it sure feels good when your 'to do' list has more checks than 'deferred'. That is how it was for me today.

Here was my 'to do' list.

  1. Load of laundry
  2. Get kids up and dressed
  3. Get kids off to school
  4. Go to get vehicle inspection (This was waylaid a bit because the kids insisted we take Dora with us to school. How could I object? We are trying to take her fear of car rides away.)
  5. Get shoe rack, and "stuff" basket
  6. Pick up two Christmas gifts
  7. Get the future pilot from pre-school
  8. Get paint
  9. Call handy-man and schedule some work around the house
  10. Order china cabinet (Yea that might not make since considering I spent last night's post talking about being happy with what you have but I discovered a sagging box of heirloom china in the basement this weekend and it's time to put them on display in an appreciative way--because I do cherish them)
  11. Upgrade phone (we are at least a year overdue and the back of mine keeps falling off. That battery gets hot)
  12. Fold laundry
  13. Take clothes to consignment
  14. Take items to Goodwill
So, 14 tasks. Want to guess how many I got completed today? 11. E-L-E-V-E-N! I feel good. I feel VERY good actually. I still have time to fold the laundry--Hey! It could happen. I just know my priorities and right now it's posting!

Hope your day left you feeling accomplished.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you putting 'blogging' on your to do or can you remember that without the list?? I still put it on a list every day because it feels SO GOOD to cross it off!