Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Winding Down

With the dilemma of whether to use paper plates or china out of the way things are falling into place. I'm anxiously awaiting the cooking frenzy that will begin tomorrow night. Pies, glorious pies. I'm trying a new one this year. A pumpkin rum pie. It will be in addition to traditional pumpkin and cherry pies. I'll give a review. Let you know if I'm left to choke it down myself or sulking because they ate it all.

I'm at a loss for words. Seriously. I'm drained. I took a little down time and actually watched a TV movie while I folded laundry this evening. That wasn't the brightest idea since it was a bit sad and my eyes are burning with that, 'we're gonna be so swollen you can't apply your make-up correctly in the morning' feeling. I'm dreading it to. I tell myself over and over again NOT to do that if I have to be seen in public the next day. Somehow I just keep watching and crying.

Tomorrow's post won't be as lame. I mean I think I can do better. Maybe. If I can see through the pie filling and flour dust.

Oh, and the china dilemma? Mix and match. My wonderful mama is bringing half of her's. They'll match nicely with the same silver rim and slightly different pattern. Did I ever tell you I love my mama?


Debbiy said...

I love your Momma too!

Anonymous said...

What about blaming your swollen eyes on the onions you were chopping for the stuffing??? Then, people will feel sorry for you and offer to do all your dishes?!?!?

Happy Thanksgiving, friend!!