Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Wednesday Snippets

Peace is...
  • knowing where your children are when you lay down your head at night
  • getting through the check-out line knowing you have plenty to cover the bill
  • being able to hear a ticking clock when you don't have to care what time it is

Conversations to wreck ya:
  1. Me to my daughter: Don't kick your brother. Future pilot to me: She ALWAYS does that. I want to call the cops EVERY time.
  2. Me to the future pilot: Help me find something that begins with the letter "I". Future pilot: I'm using my nose vision.
  3. Future pilot to me: Why do we keep having days and days?
  4. Me to the future pilot: You're my little snuggle buddy. Future pilot back to me: Your my big girl.
Pondering of the day: Why is it all of my greatest ideas seem to stay in my head or talked out of my mouth but never actually make it to an action? Must work on this one--big time.

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