Last week when I figured out I just wasn't going to stress and I pulled an all nighter and worked until I got the papers completed. In that night. This paper I felt would be no different. I mean I had researched it. I just now need to write it. Then the instructor posted the assignment late (3 days late) and though I had an idea what I was doing I still figured I'd crank it out Friday into Saturday and still have an entire two days to proofread it. Then the instructor extended the due date to NEXT Sunday.
I took the week off to decompress and get my house in order. Social services need only set one foot in to see that everything about it is neglected. I was really hoping to have a mammoth list of projects and organizing extravaganzas completed as well as to be able to settle in a comfortable chair on Black Friday and internet shop with my sister. This has become an annual event. She in her home me in mine. Together, via chat, we peruse the stores. The big difference is that we have no worry of being mugged, our heels bitten by strollers, or harried sales folks or rude customers. Oh and no rushing to that mobbed store for that one item, of which there are only 3 when in actuality a number of folks much larger than 3 just so happens to be in search of. So, I want to be done with this report. Now. I mean YESTERDAY at the very latest.
Do I sound crabby? I guess I am a bit. Even though I have just 3 pages to show for it I have been in front of this computer daily. Friday was an all nighter. I finally called it quits at 4am. Why I do that to myself I do not know. Every day since it has been me being determined to get it done. So far I have not.
Last night though, as promised, the kids and I "camped out" out in the family room. My favorite little girl in the world spread out our "sleeping quarters" and we turned out the lights.
Our large gracious windows allowed for a bit of star gazing--and no one got cold in the process.
The kids slept much longer than I thought they would. Shows you how young and resilient their little bodies are.
My favorite little girl in the world (and Watson--who apparently NEVER sleeps. Just look at those big alert eyes of his).
The future pilot (and Pooh Bear and Bwanky).
See that pillow in the middle? That is were this old tired girl slept. I was so danged comfortable I slept for 4 hours. Ugh. Still. The kids slept and awoke happy. Oh and in her bedtime prayer last night? My favorite little girl in the world thanked God for her best mommy in the world. :) So to me it was worth the cricks and lack of sleep. She thinks I'm the best and that's what I strive to be to my kids.
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