Monday, November 10, 2008

I Want My Mommy...

or maybe I just need a secluded place free of other responsibilities for a couple of days--make that weeks. You see I diligently continued to research my paper Friday night and here it is late Monday and I've not been back to it until today. I'm getting no where I tell ya. This is what I have to show for it...

I do have the profound gift of procrastination in me but I also think I have focus problems. I was off today but I'm extremely tired. The poor future pilot is not enjoying the weather change. He was coughing so much last night that he threw up all over the bed. My bed. I had to change the sheets and comforter and then two hours later as he tried to sleep he threw up again. This time he missed the bed but was himself a bit of a mess. I'm working on minimal sleep and T-I-R-E-D.

Mondays are my volunteer day at my daughter's school and the future pilot was supposed to go with my mom while she got her hair done. This was supposed to be a nice little outing. Her hair dresser has a very friendly Jack Russell Terrier and the future pilot loves to play with him. The future pilot was cranky and not wanting to budge to go anywhere and honestly I totally understood. So my wonderful husband got up, after less than an hour of sleep and cared for his needs until I got home. Needless to say this has thrown our schedule off a bit because at 7:43pm my husband sleeps and I am planted on the couch with writer's/researcher's block.

If you are praying people please send a few up for me. I'm stressing bad--really bad. I now have less than a week to pull off a working bibliography with at least ten cited works. I also have a two page progress report to turn in--both are due Sunday. ARGHGHGHGH. And. Then. There. Is. The PAPER. Two weeks. -Open mouth insert thumb, grab blankie-

1 comment:

Just A Girl said...

Man, I understand! I need my Mama pretty bad right now. Here is your blessing: May God bless you with creativity, clarity of mind and a carload of energy. May He straighten your path and clear it of rocks!