You see, I work 45 minutes away from home. He is still burning oil on the midnight shift. I phoned him today an hour and a half after I usually leave work to tell him that I could not find my car keys. I seriously do not know where I could have left them.
I tried to retrace my actions. Parked the car. Exited the car. Locking it via the side panel. Oops forgot my workout bag. Used the remote to unlock the car. Entered the passenger side and re-locked the door via the side panel. Went to the office. Worked. Went to the gym and walked sweaty, smelly, and cold to my car. No keys.
I dug around in my gym bag for a bit but no luck. Mortified I walked back to my office--it's closer than the gym and I thought surely I must have left them on my desk. I really didn't want to do this. Read--sweaty, smelly and cold. Oh and in workout clothes. (I have a limited amount of time to work out so I safe time by going home as quick as possible and getting unsweaty and smelly.--Don't judge)
So. There I am. Stuck. No way home. I didn't want to call my husband to come get me but I really didn't have a choice. I was worried I'd get a bit of grumbling but you know what? Not a peep. Not a hint of annoyance. Not at all.
Two hours later he was there with the kids. The future pilot was sleeping soundly. My favorite little girl in the world was beaming. So, after thanking my hero properly I asked if I could take her with me.
I love spending time with my girl most days. Tonight we decided to go look for gloves, a scarf, and ear muffs. You will never guess what color she HAD to have.
I'm sure you guessed it. Green. Did I mention I had changed my stinky sweaty self back into my work clothes--complete with heeled boots? So we went to store number one.
found these!!!!!
After a bite to eat we stopped for hot chocolate. Yea, bye bye all of you burned up disintegrated calories. I'm certain that work out was rendered fruitless. However, for my friends (all two of 'em, whom I know happen to LOVE LOVE LOVE ginger)...I must say this to you, "Get thee to a Borders Cafe immediately and beg, plead whine for their Ginger Chew cookie--and request it warmed up."
I'm not a huge fan of ginger cookies but have noticed they satisfy the sweet tooth and I don't tend to eat as much of them. These cookies had real ginger in them. I KNOW because I chewed very slowly counting the bites. Oh so gingery.
Your husband gets a big time deposit into the old emotional bank account. I love the knight in shining armor thing. I am perfectly content being the weaker vessel. I am so glad you were rescued from your distress, damsel.
Thanks! I found the keys today too. I left them in the locker room at the gym!!! See how hazardous working out can be for a gal? :)
Seriously if my legs had not been so sore I would have walked back there yesterday--oh if only. Oh if only, I would not have gotten to sneak away with my favorite little girl in the world.
Do you think everything happens for a reason applies here?
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