Sunday, November 16, 2008

Candy Nightmares

I just got home from a birthday party. There was a pinata. Oh and candy. Ugh. My kids still have Halloween candy left and it's been torture trying to stay away from that.

I have my final measurements to be taken Tuesday and I really don't want to blow everything I tried so hard to achieve during those 5 weeks of Boot Camp. So I have two questions for you.

First, what is your favorite candy? I mean if you could only have one piece of candy in the world left what would it be?

Second, what is your secret, if you have one, for resisting candy? I need all the help I can get here.


Debbiy said...

I could eat Twizzlers by the dozen.

I HAVE eaten Twizzlers by the dozen.

But I only crave sweets a few short days a month. Salt and butter on the other hand...oh my oh my oh my.

Alex said...

M&M's, without a doubt. That being said, I don't eat them all that often. I usually don't keep them in the house. They still remain a treat.

Good luck with the end of boot camp.