Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Mostly because I have no pictures ready and very little time I'm going to create a new theme. Maybe it will catch on. Thursdays are now going to be filled with thanks. I've got much to be thankful for to be sure.

So, today I'm thankful for

- "libraries" aka Barnes and Nobles/Borders. Where else can I have the latest publishings at my fingertips for my soon to be due papers, music piped in, AND be able to sip on Starbucks or Seattle's Best? (didn't today by the way. got lost in the books--goldmines people books are pure gold)

- IBuprofen. I'd seriously be at a loss without this. 35 minutes on the elliptical yesterday sent my old legs into serious stiffness. Or was it the lack of proper stretching that did that to me?

- 1.99 gasoline! Yes folks, that is what I paid for it today. Woohooo!

- last but not least heat because it's seriously starting to get seriously chilly out there.


Just A Girl said...

Good stuff! Seriously, $1.99? Why do I live in Louisiana where half the oil in the U.S. is located and I'm stilly paying $2.21? What the heck? I'm with you on Ibuprofen. Now that I'm almost 40 I think I need an Ibuprofen IV. Also, I'd just like to say I'm thankful for Smarties candy. They're good. That was totally random but true.

Alex said...

If there's a BJ's Warehouse near you, go for their gas. On Monday it was $1.92/gallon. Not too shabby at all.

ISO (In search of) said...

Alex, I should have thought of checking Sams! They are close and usually a good price. I capitalized on the 5 cents off Thursday at the local Shell. :)

ISO (In search of) said...

Oh Jennifer, that is sad. That is pretty interesting though. I should think you should get a state-wide discount for having the stuff in your own backyard!

Yes, the old IB drip. LOL. I'm fairly certain the Smarties candies are the only things my husband might swipe out of the kids' Halloween candy. They make my teeth hurt anymore but I do eat them occasionally (and enjoy them).

lilsis said...

Totally coveting your $1.92 a gallon gasoline.

We just dropped down to .96p a liter. Luckily for us, the pound is dropping in value (sorry to your international audience). So, we've had a gradual decrease from $9 a gallon to $5 dollars a gallon. That can all change in a heartbeat so we are still in serious "restrain from driving mode".