Sunday, November 23, 2008

Where Did That Little Girl Come From?

So, here I sit. Working on my paper. Again. The house is a little cleaner. Why? Because when I have stuff to do, like a school paper, I do everything BUT work on what I am supposed to be working on.

Last night I was sure I was going to buckle down and finish this nightmare of a a paper. I have had to write yet has NOT been considered a nightmare. You see I like to write but not when I'm being graded. I don't do well under pressure.

Nonetheless the house is cleaner. I vacuumed. Scrubbed the toilets, reserving two for my daughter who INSISTED I let her clean them. I am all caught up on laundry, save one load that must yet be folded. I helped my favorite little girl in the world straighten her room. We have much to accomplish there but we are making headway.

I have noted a few places that I myself need to tackle. Saving the pictures for a later post. When I get more serious--and the paper is done.

So, here I sit, working on the paper once again. My sister has just announced she has written 50,000 words in some novel marathon writing thing for the month of November. If this wasn't school I'd most certainly be commandeering her to write this for me too. The big show off. Just kidding OLDER sister. I remember you are bigger than me and do not wish for you to hit me.

My favorite little girl in the world is rubbing my feet. It was a bribe to me. Last night I told her we could have a sleepover in front of the fire tonight if I finished my paper. She knows I most likely won't finish so she told me she'd massage my tootsies if I would agree to us all sleeping down here tonight. So, I'm in. We shall sleep here tonight. This is Daddy's last week of midnights so we have a bit more time to have a chaotic schedule anyway. I may not move my butt off the couch for the rest of the night--well unless this water I'm guzzling dictates I do.

I'm trying to figure out where this little girl came from though. She has asked me to please add massaging my feet AND cleaning the toilets to her list of weekly chores? How stinking blessed am I? Oh and lest you get any ideas. She's NOT for hire. On account of I can't afford a maid so I don't want her worn out. I do think I may need to restock the treasure box with some better choices. If she keeps this up she will have greatly earned it.

1 comment:

Debbiy said...

I want to swap daughters with you. Mine has two "chores" which are to keep her room clean and to clean the cat litter box once a week. She's doing okay on the room but the cats are going to have to wait until Wednesday at this rate.

Give my sweet niece a hug and a kiss for me. Tell her I wish I were there for the sleepover - except for the hard floor part.

Oh, and I'd write your paper for you if you'd clean my apartment for me!!!!!