Monday, November 3, 2008

New Song Tonight

As I scraped the leftover roast from the pan tonight my kids were singing to me. A song they were quite giddy about. It went like this.

"I loooooove you Mom, I loooove you."
"I looove you tooo, Mom."

What did I do to deserve this song? I'm not quite sure. It wasn't because I volunteered in my daughter's class today because there has been some confusion so far I've only been able to help out once. I didn't really get to help because there ended up being a clueless substitute who didn't know what if anything I was supposed to be doing there.

It wasn't because my diet has been going splendidly and I'm turning into super buff mom. In fact I polished off an entire sleeve of Little Brownie Baker Thin Mint cookies this afternoon out of shear boredom. In fact if truth be told I should adjust my "loss" total in the sidebar because, well, I've gained back the only three pounds I had lost.

I spent my day having lab work done, picking up a few things from the grocery store, a bank run to square away checks so I could turn in cookie money for my Brownie. The future pilot tried to talk me into going to his favorite pizza joint but I just wasn't up for that today and by the time we contemplated on a different restaurant he had decided he would just rather go home.

I did put about eight of my daughter's favorite CD's on her iPod as well as a couple of TV shows she enjoys. That made her happy.

I carted them around while we dropped off a table for Girl Scout cookie sales tomorrow, drove another 20 minutes to deliver some cookies, back to the G.S. leader's home to pick up additional cookies ordered, over to my little brother's home to deliver cookies, and a drive-thru to get the kids a bite to eat then over the my husband's mom's to deliver a few more cookies. They were giddy when we left. Screaming shrilly actually. But happy.

Then we got home and well the singing began. This post is actually one of the hardest I've ever written and not emotionally but physically. I'm okay with it though. Because the future pilot is laying in my lap with his thumb in his mouth with Pooh Bear and Bwankie in his grasp. My favorite little girl in the world is tapping me with her toes. Touches of love I tell you--and it isn't even annoying me.

Why? Why is this pure delight for me? Well, because lately they are just seeming so grown up to me that I'm having a hard time letting them. The future pilot has announced several times in the past few days he is not my baby anymore. He is a big boy. Oh my but that is hard when I know he is my last. Yet I know it's true. I see it more everyday. I asked him today what I was going to do when he went off to Preschool next year and I was all alone on my one day off. He told me, "You can come with me!" He was totally serious. I won't be surprised if I spend my whole day up there. Look out school. Here I come!


Mainly a midwife said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I headed to your blog after Jennifer posted it. Then I went back to check email and saw your comment :)
Jennifer mentioned that you work full-time and go to school. Keep pushing. I don't know what field you are in...but I do remember how hard grad school was all consuming and I didn't even have kids. Keep pushing!!

Just A Girl said...

What a nice way to end a day. Blogging and snuggling at the same time. You have some killer days! About the weight thing, I heard that during the holidays, just try to drop one bad thing - like Cokes. I don't know if it works or not, but it sounds easier than trying to be strict about everything. I do feel your pain. I could probably beat your time on finishing off the thin mints. Self-discipline is NOT my strong suit, but I'm working on it.